Getting the best out of your CFD/FEA software can require a user to go up a steep learning curve. UpFront Engineering Simulation can shorten this process by performing an initial simulation project and then transferring the knowledge gained from this project to the customer’s engineers. This technology transfer can form part of an on-site customised training course. Existing CFD/FEA customers may find this service useful when they have a new type of simulation project to perform.
Project Mentoring.
Small and medium sized companies are often new to CFD and FEA technologies, so their engineers have no one to refer to when they encounter fluid dynamics, heat transfer and numerical simulation issues during a project. UpFront Engineering Simulation can help out with this by providing an enhanced telephone/email support service and on-site review sessions during the first few CFD projects.
CFD/FEA Process Benchmarking.
Is your organization making the best use of your Computational Fluid Dynamics or Finite Element Analysis software investment. Our experience in the CAE industry allows us to audit your processes and compare them against industry best practices.
For Further Information Contact Us @ UpFront Engineering Simulation